#JUST_START — Achieve your goal
Hello there!
This blog is about one of my personal goal. My personal goal is to “start an online educational service”. But have not been able to work on it due to university workload etc. This week I am grateful to #AmalAcademy for adding this as a project work.
So, in this project work we, the amal fellows, are supposed to take a goal (personal or professional), convert them into smart goal and just start working on it. The Smart goal statement is,
“To start a free online educational service using youtube within this month i.e. April 2021 and upload at least 15 videos in the month of April. The initial videos should focus on basic engineering”.
The smart features of this goal are as under,
S — specific: I know the platform of educational service and the type of video to start with.
M — measurable: Upload at least 15 videos this month
A — actionable: The videos will be about basic engineering, I can work on them right away.
R — realistic: This task is achievable.
T — timely: Deadline is set for this month, April 2021.
Now that I have a specific set of instructions, A clear goal, So I started to work on this immediately. I made a logo and created my youtube channel,
I have also created a list of videos that will be uploaded in this month. They are related to some basic theoretical knowledge and some engineering projects about control and automation. Apart from this, I have downloaded some video editing softwares like filmora and movavi. And learned the basics of movavi.
Now, the question arises that why haven’t I done this earlier? If I am being honest, I was pretty scared to start it. I did not know whether I could do it or not. Another factor was the university workload that barely gave me time to start this.
While doing this first step, I realized that its not like I am not scared anymore. It is the fact that I am completely ready to face the upcoming challenges and anyway, what’s a better way to know if we can do it than just starting it. I learned that we can do anything and everything, if given the correct direction and motivation. I felt so proud while doing it even if it was a little step, I was proud of the fact that I began working towards my goal.
The next steps will be to learn the software “filmora” and start recording my videos on the listed topics.