A Beautiful Recollection
“Every new beginning comes from another beginning’s end” — SENECA
Reflection is one of the most vital parts of a growth mindset. We must reflect back to see what we have earned, what we have gained. Now that I have reached my end of this beautiful and thrilling journey of amal fellowship, I must say that I am a bit emotional, a bit sad to leave all of this. I have gotten used to the online courses, the project works, the sessions, the group meetings, the fun chats after sessions and of course, the constant support of my facilitators and fellows.
But life is all about choices isn’t it? I have a choice to remain sad on the fact that this is going to end soon or I can look on the bright side which is the memories I have made during this period, the connection we have built and the things we have learnt. Amal has always been persuading us to have a positive outlook on life and therefore I am going to go with the later option.
Going back to the old days, I find each and every moment as beautiful as a cherry blossom tree in its full bloom. But obviously, there are some moments that impact us directly to the core and remain with us forever. Some may call it a ‘lollipop moment’ as well. This moment, for me, would be when I was learning the ‘Eik aur Eik Gyara’ principle. There was a DIY activity on the 4th session of this fellowship, on 28th march 2021, where we had to list down people who have helped us. While jotting down this list, I realised the significance of people around us. The significance of their words. As Muniba Mazari says about the power of words,
I realized that I am blessed to have the best people around me. I have such great fellows who support me at all hardships, I have a supportive family, and I have supportive friends. What more can I ask from life? From that day, I stopped taking them for granted and did my best to make them feel that they are such an important part of my life. I wanted to thank them for everything but was finding it difficult to convey my message. This problem got solved for me when we had to send the letters of gratitude.
I would love to say that I am being the kind of person for them that they deserve but only they can testify to this statement and can tell if I am doing a good job. Apart from this, I have noticed the kindness our facilitators show for us, and I have been trying my best to be the person that is kind and caring for others, who treats everyone equally. I still have a long way to go, I still have a lot to learn, but I am staying positive and I know for sure that with this mindset and consistency, I will reach where I want to be.
To the readers of my blog, thank you for taking out your time for this. Have a great day ❤